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Sunday, September 8, 2024

How to easily watch german krimis in english

 Through one of your comments I detected a very simple method to watch a movie in SPOKEN english even when there is no dub available. A lot of lesser-known KRIMIs are out there on youtube but without subs or dubs. Now this is no problem anymore.

I tried a short clip from "The Green Archer" I have used AI to translate it to english:

I have used the AI-Tool BLIPCUT :

Sure it takes a while: Here is the result:

Mind you, this was created from the original in about 5 Minutes. Here is the original clip:

The service costs 40 US-$ per 90 minutes, but I think that prices will go down eventually. Furthermore maybe a group of people will share the costs as AI generated content is always public domain.

No, I don't get any money for this....


Addendum: I thought about listing all the krimis available on youtube for you. But that task is maddening as I am not sure which movies are accessible where and where to use a VPN. Furthermore those links don't last long and I cannot update them. I would advise you to check my LIST OF KRIMIS and look for them on youtube under the german original title. There are a lot of them out there.

1 comment:

  1. That's true, I've seen a lot of krimis on Dailymotion as well, unfortunately usually ones I've already seen lol. Also, slightly off-topic, several 1960s Karl May adaptations are on youtube as well


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